It's been awhile, but I am trying to get back into writing more consistently with this blog. I wanted to talk about the psychology of the mind and how powerful it really is. I've been reading the book The Answer by John Assaraf and Murray Smith (a very good read by the way about business). In one chapter they talk about the difference between the conscious and the nonconscious mind.
Conscious mind:
1. Responsible for the past and the future
2. Controls 2-4% of perception and behavior
3. Deals with short term memory, up to 20 seconds
Nonconscious mind:
1. Responsible for the present
2. Controls 96-98% of perception and behavior
3. Remembers everything it experiences forever
What does this have to do with fitness you may ask? The nonconscious part of the brain is where we develop habits. The conscious is where we set goals. If we continue to say "I will" or "I want to" we are never actually developing a habit. If we begin to say things like, "I am eating healthy," or "I do exercise everyday," our brain starts to register that as an act we perform regularly which ultimately becomes a habit. The nonconscious part of the mind is more powerful than the conscious mind will ever be. So start saying things in the present tense and see how it affects your fitness and life goals.