Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Flat Abs: Hard, but Not Impossible
It’s the most asked question in the gym.
How do I get flat abs?
Let’s start with the basics. The abdominals are made up of four muscle groups:
* Transverse Abdominus (deepest muscles, wraps around torso to support the back)
* Internal Obliques (second deepest muscles, rotation and flexion of the spine)
* External Obliques (sides of torso, can be seen/felt on surface, rotation/flexion)
* Rectus Abdominus (top layer, helps posture a bit, responsible for “6 pack”)
The abdominals are necessary for:
* Posture
* Core Movement
* Breathing
Based on that information, one of the best ways to get flatter abs is to correct your posture. With most of us having what I like to call an “American Posture” (rounded shoulders and a pushed out stomach) due to working while sitting at a desk focused on the computer, it’s no wonder we have back pain and poor abdominal strength.
Practice posture by sitting up tall in your chair. Think about a string from your pelvis to the top of your head pulling you towards the sky. Envision your hips straight on the chair, your belly button pulled into your back, your shoulders over your hips and your head on top of your spine. If you’re doing it correctly, you will feel a pull in your stomach. That is your abdominals working – lengthening and engaging. Taking that same posture when you walk will make you look taller and keep your stomach flatter.
The second component is creating core movement. This could mean your typical sit-up or crunch, but what about a motion that involves twisting such as yoga, canoeing, or boxing? Abdominal work doesn’t have to be sit-ups. The more the torso moves in various directions the more all the muscles are engaged. Anytime the body is in an unstable position, it uses the core abdominal muscles to balance. Try something new and give your abs a shock.
Another component is the idea of breathing. As your lungs take in air, your abs naturally push air out through the mouth and nose. The more you can emphasize that motion the harder your ab muscles will work. Next time you do a crunch, inhale on the ground and as you lift your body up, exhale and think about pushing the belly button to the floor and making the abs flat. This will make your crunch much more effective.
Besides these three components, there are a few other things that contribute to flat abs including: increasing cardio exercise to burn fat, lifting weights to increase the speed of your metabolism, eating a healthy diet, and of course always adding variety to your workout to avoid a plateau.
Flat abs are hard to obtain, but it’s not impossible. Start by following one of these suggestions and see your midsection begin to change. Follow all of these and you’ll be ready to strut your stuff at the beach.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Feeling Stuck? 10 Ways to Move Beyond Your Weight Loss Plateau
Visualize yourself fitting into your old high school jeans or looking great in a bathing suit on the beach. Keep that image with you and think about it every time you’re about to eat something greasy or decide not to work out. Remember to remind yourself of the long term reality, excess weight brings an unhealthy lifestyle, while a healthy eating plan and exercise are key components to a long happy life.
Know your weight loss personality.
Understand your tendencies and make a plan to avoid those situations that trigger unhealthy food options.
Impulsive | See a pint of ice cream and go for it |
Oblivious | TV Snacker |
Uptight | Eat to feel better |
Tenacious | Highly Self Directed; easy time with food |
Sociable | Tend to monitor food intake better than others |
Record every food morsel you eat, taste, and lick
Underestimating the amount of food you’ve eaten can lead to a plateau or weight gain. Keep a food diary. Include the time of day you eat, the type of food, the calories, and how you feel when you ate a particular food. Keeping track of your food intake holds you accountable and brings success.
Beware of portion sizes
As portions tend to get bigger, we start to eat more than our plan prescribes. If you haven’t before, begin weighing and measuring all of your food to understand what a ½ cup or 1oz actually is. Try cutting your daily caloric intake by 100-200:
- Have fruit instead of cookies or chips
- Order appetizers with vegetables instead of meat
- Drink diet soda instead of regular
Watch restaurant overeating
Restaurants are packed with huge portions and food covered in butters and creams. Practice good portion control by ordering an appetizer or salad instead of an entrée. Another great tip is to ask for the to-go box with your meal and put half of it away.
Eat low-fat protein to stay full
Proteins work by suppressing a stomach hormone (ghrelin) that stimulates hunger while fatty foods actually tend to increase hunger.
Eat more fruits and vegetables
Change up your exercise routine
Doing the same thing in the gym everyday allows your body to get used to a routine and become efficient at doing it which in contrast creates a plateau. To keep your muscles guessing, vary your physical activity often. For example, if you always do 30 minutes on the treadmill at the same speed, try a few intervals at higher speeds or elevations. Also make sure to include weight training into your routine to increase muscle mass and reduce fat.
Wear a pedometer
A pedometer tracks the amount of steps you take during your day. You should aim for 10,000 steps per day for health and weight loss. If you’re having trouble meeting that number, try taking the stairs as often as you can to help.
Try Yoga to Avoid Stress Eating
Studies show that yoga lowers levels of stress hormones. Try child’s pose (http://www.wildmind.org/applied/yoga/asanas/child) next time you feel stressed to avoid overeating.
www.webmd.com“10 Ways to Move Beyond a Weight Loss Plateau”
Photos taken from www.flickr.com
Friday, June 25, 2010
What’s more important? Body Weight, Body Mass Index (BMI) or Body Fat?
Body Mass Index (BMI) is one way to calculate your level of health. BMI is based on your weight and height. After the numbers are calculated, a BMI number is given. (Calculate your BMI at http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/bmi-calculator/nu00597). Depending on where you fall into the chart, you can see the effect of weight on your health. Although some experts say the BMI numbers are way too general, BMI is a good way to rate your risk for disease.
Underweight | Less than 18.5 |
Recommended | 18.6 to 24.9 |
Overweight | 25.0 to 29.9 |
Obese | 30 or greater |
Another thing to look at is body fat percentage. When we weigh ourselves we’re including not just fat but water, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, muscles, etc. Because BMI and weight don’t take into account body fat, it’s important to know how much of your body is made up of fat. Too much can cause risk for disease.
Two of the most common ways to measure body fat are by using skin fold measurements and bioelectrical impedance analysis. Skin folds are done by taking a device called a caliper to pinch the skin in various locations to calculate the overall body fat percentage. Bioelectrical impedance is done by stepping on a type of scale to measure the fat by sending a signal that travels through the water found in muscle and fat. The more muscle a person has, the more water their body can hold. The more water in a person's body, the easier it is for the current to pass through it. The more fat there is the more resistance to the current. Although both are neither 100% accurate, they come close enough to give the necessary information to decide if a person is at a healthy fat percentage. Being in a range is more important than being a specific number. The following chart shows the ranges.
| Women | Men |
Essential Fat | 10-12% | 2-4% |
Athletes | 14-20% | 6-13% |
Fitness | 21-24% | 14-17% |
Acceptable | 25-31% | 18-25% |
Obese | 32% plus | 26% plus |
Lastly, also associated with BMI is waist circumference. Those holding most of their fat in their waistline are at a higher risk for blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and diabetes. If your BMI number is 25 or higher, than a waist circumference goal is 40 inches or less if you’re a man and 35 inches or less if you’re a woman.
All in all, it’s not just about the number on the scale. Knowing your BMI and body fat is important. Losing weight and fat isn’t just about fitting into an old pair of jeans; it’s about gaining better sleep patterns, reduced heart disease and cancers, and a healthier life.
For more info on this topic, check out this websites:
http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/bmi-calculator/nu00597 (BMI calculator)
http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/body-fat-measurement? (Bodyfat vs BMI)
http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/WeightManagement/BodyMassIndex/Body-Mass-Index-BMI-Calculator_UCM_307849_Article.jsp (BMI and benefits of healthier weight)
http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/NutritionCenter/Body-Composition-Tests_UCM_305883_Article.jsp (waist circumference)
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
One thing I’m asked about quite often is how to get rid of cellulite. I too, have seen the creams sold at the stores and think maybe they’ll get rid of the bumpy skin we call cellulite.
The truth is, no cream or surgery will completely get rid of it.
Cellulite: is used to describe the dimpled look of skin caused by an accumulation of fat found just below the surface of the skin.
Although genetics and tight undergarments may be one explanation for it, the reality is that nutrition and exercise play the biggest role. When you eat processed foods filled with lots of fats such as hamburgers and French fries, the body decides to store the excess fat instead of burn it. This excess fat makes the cells full causing them to push through a layer of skin making it appear bumpy.
If you reduce your processed food intake and focus on eating healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grain carbs, you are less likely to have cellulite.
Also, it’s important to make sure you’re burning fat during your cardio workout. Running sprints is a great way to decrease the look of cellulite. Your fitness level will determine your speed and time, but I generally try to do 1 minute walking 1 minute sprinting on the treadmill, 1 to 2 times a week. You want to make sure you’re cardio puts you in the proper heart rate range to burn fat and not glucose.
Lastly, it’s important to strength train. The more lean muscle mass you have, the less body fat you’ll have. It’s that simple.
So, there is no quick way to get rid of cellulite, but if you stick to a healthy lifestyle long term, you’ll hardly ever have to worry about cellulite!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Looking for a Delicious Protein Based Breakfast?
Thursday, April 22, 2010
How to Get a Flat Stomach
I get asked all the time how to shed the pounds from the stomach. Everybody wants a flat mid section with tight and toned abs.
The truth is, no matter how many sit-ups you do, your diet will be the thing to make your stomach flat and cut. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do abdominal work in the gym. In fact that’s what gives you strength, increases your lean muscle mass and helps you shed pounds faster.
Still, in order to see a difference in how your stomach looks, clean eating needs to take its place in your daily routine. That means lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats. The more natural foods you eat and the more you spend time cooking your own food instead of eating out, the more likely you are to see a flat stomach.
So remember:
Healthy Clean Eating + Abdominal Work = A Flat Stomach
Hard work pays off. So start today and you’ll see a change in a few months!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Try This Healthy Refreshing Meal!
Hi everyone! Sorry it’s been so long. I wanted to share with you all today a wonderful easy dinner I just made. Although I’ve never been a chef myself, eating healthy and experimenting with spices makes it easy to cook anything. Here’s my dinner recipe!
Lemon Chicken with Whole Grain Rice and Snow Peas
Skinless Boneless Chicken Breasts
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
Italian Seasoning
Garlic Powder
1. Marinate chicken by placing it in a bag with freshly squeezed lemon juice and rind, EVOO, Italian Seasonings, and Pepper. Leave in fridge anywhere from 30 minutes to 24 hours.
2. After letting it marinate, cut chicken into small square pieces and place on skillet on medium heat. Cut fresh garlic and add to the skillet along with the lemon rinds, EVOO, Italian Seasonings and Pepper to your liking. Cook for about 10-15 minutes covered or until chicken is no longer pink inside.
3. Wash and cut off the ends of the snow peas. Place in a different skillet on medium heat with EVOO, fresh garlic, pepper, Italian Seasoning and Garlic Powder. Cook for about 2 minutes or until the skin browns just a bit.
4. For the whole grain rice, I use the Success brand so that you can put the individual bags in a pot with boiling water and have it done in about 3 minutes. Add EVOO and spices to the rice to your liking.
5. Serve it all on a plate with some extra lemon slices for those that want a little more of its flavor.
And there you have a healthy, refreshing meal. Hope you enjoy!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The Power of the Mind
It's been awhile, but I am trying to get back into writing more consistently with this blog. I wanted to talk about the psychology of the mind and how powerful it really is. I've been reading the book The Answer by John Assaraf and Murray Smith (a very good read by the way about business). In one chapter they talk about the difference between the conscious and the nonconscious mind.
Conscious mind:
1. Responsible for the past and the future
2. Controls 2-4% of perception and behavior
3. Deals with short term memory, up to 20 seconds
Nonconscious mind:
1. Responsible for the present
2. Controls 96-98% of perception and behavior
3. Remembers everything it experiences forever
What does this have to do with fitness you may ask? The nonconscious part of the brain is where we develop habits. The conscious is where we set goals. If we continue to say "I will" or "I want to" we are never actually developing a habit. If we begin to say things like, "I am eating healthy," or "I do exercise everyday," our brain starts to register that as an act we perform regularly which ultimately becomes a habit. The nonconscious part of the mind is more powerful than the conscious mind will ever be. So start saying things in the present tense and see how it affects your fitness and life goals.