It's this time of year people start to head to the gym and go on a diet. Yet, within a few months, most people forget about their new year's resolution and go back to th

Don't always have time for the gym? Try some of these methods through out your day and see how your body starts to change. Small changes every day are the key to successful weight loss and a healthy body.
10 ways to cut calories from your day:
1. Drink water instead of soda.
2. Use a non stick olive oil cooking spray instead of butter.
3. Have non fat Greek yogurt with fresh berries instead of ice cream.
4. Have grilled chicken instead of breaded.
5. Eat only half of your dinner at a restaurant & take the other half home.
6. Substitute whole grain rice for white rice.
7. Skip the bread basket and add a salad to your restaurant meal.
8. Order thin crust pizza instead of deep dish.
9. Bring your own air popped popcorn to the movies.
10. Get 8 hours of sleep to prevent eating more when you're tired.
1. Drink water instead of soda.
2. Use a non stick olive oil cooking spray instead of butter.
3. Have non fat Greek yogurt with fresh berries instead of ice cream.
4. Have grilled chicken instead of breaded.
5. Eat only half of your dinner at a restaurant & take the other half home.
6. Substitute whole grain rice for white rice.
7. Skip the bread basket and add a salad to your restaurant meal.
8. Order thin crust pizza instead of deep dish.
9. Bring your own air popped popcorn to the movies.
10. Get 8 hours of sleep to prevent eating more when you're tired.
10 ways to burn more calories in a day:
1. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
2. Park your car further away from the grocery store.
3. Start and end everyday with 1 minute of jumping jacks.
4. Take a walk with a loved one after dinner.
5. Practice squat form every time you get up & sit down in your chair at work.
6. Make it a habit to get up and walk around for a few minutes every hour.
7. Wear a pedometer and make sure you get your 10,000 steps per day.
8. Stand on 1 leg while you wash the dishes.
9. Babysit or play with your kids for an hour.
10. Perform lunges or sit-ups during commercials.
Being healthy and fit isn't just about the 1 hour you spend at the gym, it's about keeping a healthy and active lifestyle all the time. Put your health first and you'll feel better, look better, and gain a whole new level of confidence.
1. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
2. Park your car further away from the grocery store.
3. Start and end everyday with 1 minute of jumping jacks.
4. Take a walk with a loved one after dinner.
5. Practice squat form every time you get up & sit down in your chair at work.
6. Make it a habit to get up and walk around for a few minutes every hour.
7. Wear a pedometer and make sure you get your 10,000 steps per day.
8. Stand on 1 leg while you wash the dishes.
9. Babysit or play with your kids for an hour.
10. Perform lunges or sit-ups during commercials.